- FInger guard for cutting in the kitchen - being a chef is now in fashion and everyone is exploring the possibilities in their own homes but in spite of watching all those talented chefs making it all look so easy there are risk in cutting vegetables etc... the gap is finding a solution to achieving these skills or achieving the same outcome but avoiding the risks of danger.
- Rolling cigarettes - rolling cigarettes involves three if not more artifacts, paper, tabaco and the filters. We only have two hands and one if you have a glass of wine in the other considering they go so well together.
- Messy desk - sounds simple but the modern work regime is something that is in a transition in this day... are our work spaces suitable and ready for the changes. I personally see a gap here for improvement.
- Carrying objects on small mopeds - I personally have one and often get frustrated as to how much I can carry with me and typically take too much which could have horrendous consequences. I see a big gap here and quite keen to take this concept on as my challenge for this course.
- Women handbag - Sounds obvious but it is very difficult finding one that provides one with all the necessary needs of carrying your daily objects and finding them with ease. 
- Urban garden - I live in a small flat but would love to have a feel of outside space but balconies are small and difficult. The gap being a lack of solution for an urban garden ideal for small balconies. 
- Parking - Gap being a lack of vision when parking - are there enough mirrors or are the existing ones correctly positioned?
- Bed side lamp - always bugs me when I have to change my comfortable position in bed to turn off the lights. 
- Storage - Book, to many which I would prefer to be at easy reach and collect so much dust.
- Tampons - A taboo subject but you need to go the toilet we lack a way of discreetly taking a tampon out of our bag and going to the toilet if at a dinner,  meeting or generally in public. 
5/5/2013 05:16:05 am

Sorry i couldn't wrote in your gap.
I wanted to say that i loved your idea.
I'm from Venezuela and that problem its all over the place. The main problem are the people, they love to be like this. It's sad, that people think like that. That's why i loved your idea!!! hope to keep in touch with your project!

5/6/2013 06:36:15 am

Thanks very much Dani for your positive feedback :)... I'd love to ask you some questions if your could write to me privately. Thanks again!

5/5/2013 12:28:23 pm

Hey, nice website. For one solution to the last one, have a look at my assignment 1.1 - good design http://wp.me/p3drnG-x - means you never have the problem with tampons in the first place :)

5/6/2013 06:43:10 am

Lucy, thanks for the great insight... I'd never heard of such a thing and still don't quite understand how it works but I'll take a look. Best of luck with your project and thanks for the comment!


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    A young inspired individual exploring the wonders of innovation. Based in Spain but English at heart I'd consider myself a nomad and proud of it. 


    April 2013

